Find your groove, learn rhythms and drumming, and create music.
Elmore will introduce people of all ages to the Djembe drum as well as other percussions and encourage them to explore the sounds they can make with the different instruments. He teaches the basics of drumming and how to participate in a drum circle, including rhythms, chants, call and response and solo phrases.
Participants then explore playing together and individual expression. The focus is on how to work as a group and listen to each other to create music in the circle. The focus in on playful expression.
Bring your lawn chairs and blankets and enjoy the wonderful entertainment with us!
*In case of rain this event will be live streamed on Facebook*
Performers and programs are subject to change. Check back for details and updates!
Thank you to our Concert Sponsors:
- Anonymous Music Lover
- Friends of the DeForest Area Public Library
- Paulson Development LLC
- South Central Library System
- TDS Telecom
- Essential Family Vision
- LINKages Committee