Happy Valentine’s Day! As we all know, this observance originated as a feast day for a couple of Saint Valentines who were martyred for their faith. Through folk tradition over the years celebrating this day has become a significant cultural and commercial celebration of romance all over the world. I hope your sweetie brought you chocolate, flowers, a card, took you out to dinner, or even wrote you a poem.
If your Valentine Day celebration leaves you feeling energized, Gee Funny Farm is bringing some woodland creatures to the library on Saturday morning to help the library celebrate the Winter Reading Program – Winter Woodland Reading Adventure. Learn about the winter behaviors and adaptations of porcupines, snakes, skunks, rabbits, hedgehogs, and red foxes—and then meet some of them in person. Plan on attending!
We are approaching the end of the Winter Reading Program on March 1st. There is still time to read and record books, earn Dragon Dollars and spend them in our store or donate them to designated charities. Each day that gets us closer to the end of the Winter Reading Program also gets us closer to the start of spring. In fact, I saw a couple of robins hanging out in a tree in the front yard that was covered with berries (possibly fermented). They were having a wonderful time. Two robins do not a spring make, but we are edging closer all the time. Below you will find some of the new books which recently arrived at the library. Enjoy!