Personally Identifiable Information:
At times you may choose to submit personally identifiable information to us, such as when registering for a program, contacting us via email, or being added to an email list. The privacy of your personal identification and communications are protected under state law (Wis. Stat. 43.30). They will never be given away, sold or traded to a third party.
Non-Personally Identifiable Information:
We aim to make our website better for all of our users, to do so we use Google Analytics to collect anonymous user data such as information about your visit to our website. This information is not personally identifiable instead it gives us statistical data about our users' browsing that allow us to see how our site is being used and how we can improve our site based on what our users want.
Cookies are used by Google Analytics to track visitor interactions with our website and allows us to compile reports on how our website is used and how we can improve our website for you, our users. These cookies are stored on your computer and contain information such as how long you visited our website, what kind of computer and browser you are using, what website referred you to our website, and much more.
Again, all of this information is gathered as anonymous user data by Google Analytics. We receive reports about user browsing and visiting trends that have no personally identifiable information in them. If you wish, you can opt out of Google Analytics. For more information on how to opt out of Google Analytics on all websites that you visit check out this Google page. Opting out of Google Analytics will not affect how you view our website.