
Sew it Up

When (Date)
Classroom - Lower Level

Bring in your UFOs (UnFinished Objects) to complete, or a sewing project you’d like to begin. We’ll share ideas and tips with others who sew or quilt.

You can use one of the Library’s six sewing machines or bring your own. Louise Valdovinos will be on hand to give you a hand!

Meditation Class - Registration Required

When (Date)
Room D

Registration: Sessions have started. Please email jhenze [at] to register.

Meditation reduces stress, helps anxiety, promotes emotional health and has countless other benefits.

Let It Snow: Make a Holiday Greeting Card

When (Date)
DeForest Area Community & Senior Center

Let’s create a fun, snow themed, all occasion greeting card. All supplies and an envelope to mail your card are included. Whether you are an experienced card-maker or you’ve never tried card-making before, you’ll want to come to this fun program and make a card to give to someone special! Shirley Merker, a creative and crafty card-maker, will show us the techniques to make this card. Thanks to the Friends of the Library sponsoring this activity.

Book Club Bash

When (Date)
Community Room

Join fellow book lovers to talk books and authors. Everyone is invited to attend, whether you're in a book club or just trolling for new book ideas. P.S. Did we mention refreshments and cool door prizes?

If you have a disability and require accommodation in order to fully participate, please contact library staff.

Make a Jelly Roll Quilt - Registration Required

When (Date)
Classroom - Lower Level

A jelly roll is a set of 2.5″ pre-cut fabric strips, featuring coordinating fabric. It’s a great time saver and is great for beginning quilters. With the fabric already cut and coordinated, all that’s left to do is sew together the strips into a fantastic quilt top. 

Supply List

Rise of the E-Cig and Juul

When (Date)
Community Room

What's a Juul? How does nicotine impact the body? How does an e-cig work?

Join TFCDC to learn about vaping, including current use trends, and the policies that impact the DeForest community. 

Representatives from DeForest Police Department, Dane County Sheriffs Department, and DeForest Public Schools will be present.

This presentation is intended for parents, educators, and adult community members.

If you have a disability and require accommodation in order to fully participate, please contact library staff.

How Can I Be Dementia Friendly?

When (Date)
Community Room

The DeForest-Windsor Dementia Friendly Committee continues to work together to provide educational and training opportunities to local businesses and community members in an effort to create a Dementia Friendly Community. Our goal is to increase community awareness and understanding of dementia-type diseases to assist those impacted so they can remain engaged in community life, while enjoying an improved quality of life.

This is a great opportunity for:

How Can I Be Dementia Friendly?

When (Date)
Community Room

The DeForest-Windsor Dementia Friendly Committee continues to work together to provide educational and training opportunities to local businesses and community members in an effort to create a Dementia Friendly Community. Our goal is to increase community awareness and understanding of dementia-type diseases to assist those impacted so they can remain engaged in community life, while enjoying an improved quality of life.

This is a great opportunity for:

Photo Group Field Trip: Token Creek County Park

When (Date)
Token Creek County Park 6200 Williamsburg Way, DeForest

Sunrise will be at 7:16 a.m. on October 19, and our photography group will be there to greet it! Token Creek is located just off of Highway 51 and I-94 near the Pine Cone Restaurant.

Among the park’s many features are an elevated boardwalk through a sedge meadow marsh. Meet us at the parking lot closest to the park entrance. Bring your camera, tripod, and dress for the weather.

We’ll view our photos together at the November 18 meeting at the Library. Token Creek County Park 6200 Williamsburg Way, DeForest