
Festive Film Friday - It's A Wonderful Life Interactive Movie

When (Date)
Community Room

We all know the story: An angel is sent from Heaven to help a desperately frustrated businessman by showing him what life would have been like if he had never existed.

Join us for interactive fun, a goodie bag, and warm beverages!

© Paramount Pictures 1946
Rated PG|130 minutes

If you have a disability and require accommodation in order to fully participate, please contact library staff.

Author Visit: Larry Cockerel

When (Date)
Community Room

When was the last time you did something for the first time?"

If you have to think about it long and hard, it's probably been too long.

Larry is one of the most upbeat people around, yet he has faced extraordinary challenges. His goal in life is to help others to gain confidence and help them get the life they really want. How? He’s got loads of real-world tips he’ll bring with him. Join us to hear what making a difference means to Larry and how he offers hope to others.

You can Thrive with Type 2 Diabetes

When (Date)
Community Room

November is National Diabetes Awareness Month, but Dr. Eno has a lot more to talk about than diabetes.

Many people diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes feel overwhelmed and are afraid of developing complications. But this does not have to be their reality.

By implementing an “information is power” strategy, Dr. Eno sees a difference. Patients become enthusiastically engaged, and eager to take action, control blood sugars and enjoy the benefits of thriving with Type 2 Diabetes.

Meet Kathleen Ernst

When (Date)
Community Room

Kathleen's lively, richly-illustrated program will take readers 'behind the scenes' to reveal the people, places, and the past that inspired her to write the now nine books featuring museum curator (and reluctant sleuth) Chloe Ellefson and her police officer boyfriend Roelke McKenna.

Her presentation will include details about her newest Chloe mystery, The Lacemaker's Secret. Kathleen will also talk about how her years at Old World Wisconsin influenced her Chloe character, how her research into police work helped shape Roelke, and how she researches and writes their stories.

Harp Music for Relaxation

When (Date)
DeForest Area Community & Senior Center

Susanne Oliver, local harpist, will play a variety of music including Celtic tunes and some holiday favorites. Experience the healing and uplifting quality of harp music.

This library outreach program is open to the community.

If you have a disability and require accommodation in order to fully participate, please contact library staff.

2018 Go Big Read

When (Date)
Room C

The University of Wisconsin-Madison and DeForest Area Public Library invite you to participate in a community book program, Go Big Read.

Discuss this year's book with UW-Madison SLIS Facilitator, Carmen Niemeyer.

Check this book out now, then come to the discussion and bring the book, and you can keep it!

Author Talk with Ronald J. Berger

When (Date)
Community Room

Professor Ronald J. Berger's compelling book is the true story of his uncle and father, Jewish men who survived the Holocaust in Nazi-occupied Poland as children. One brother endured several concentration camps, while the other passed as Catholic among anti-Semitic Poles and eventually became an officer in the Soviet Army. Berger traces the defining prewar, wartime, and postwar events that marked their extraordinary lives in his book.

If you have a disability and require accommodation in order to fully participate, please contact library staff.

Author Talk with Lahna Anhalt

When (Date)
Community Room

Meet local author, Lahna Anhalt, as she talks about her newly released book, Aunt Laura’s Attic: Short Biographies of Famous People You’ve Never Heard Of.

This much researched book is a compilation of fascinating stories. For instance, did you know there was a third member of the Wright Brothers Team, a sibling, without whose assistance manned flight might not have gotten off the ground? How history might have been written quite differently if not for the all but forgotten famous people that no one has heard of?

Helpful Advice for Job Applicants

When (Date)
Classroom - Lower Level

Today's job search is a complex process that requires a plan, a great resume, technology skills to search and apply for jobs, and interview preparedness.

This workshop will cover:

  • Applying for employment
  • Resume tips
  • Interview preparation
  • Soft skills crucial to getting and keeping a job—including work ethic, communication, time management, being a team player, and maintaining a good attitude

If you have a disability and require accommodation in order to fully participate, please contact library staff.