All Ages

Summer Reading Celebration Beach Party

When (Date)
Market Street

Our summer readers blew away every challenge we could throw at them, so we're going to throw a beach-style dance party on Market Street! We'll have a DJ, fun outdoor games, a sandy play area, and Susie's Sweets and Treats ice cream truck.

All summer reading participants who log at least one book in Beanstack will receive a coupon at the party for a free ice cream treat. Winners of the school reading challenges will also have chances to super soak their principals, school librarians, and public library staff. Stay tuned for more details.

Mega LEGO® Event!

When (Date)
The Workshop

Join us at the library and grab one of the many giant bins of LEGO® bricks to build from. With so many LEGO® bricks at your beck and call, you can construct the build of your dreams.

LEGO® is a trademark of the LEGO Group of companies which does not sponsor, authorize or endorse this site.

This program also occurs on Wednesday, October 5 at 5:00 pm.

Friends of the DAPL Book Sale

When (Date)
Lower Level

Magical new reads await you at Flourish & Blotts (AKA the Friends of the DAPL Book Sale). Both book sale rooms will be open, and volunteers will be on hand to help you restock your book shelves.

It's hard to beat these prices:
$1 per hardcover
$0.50 per paperback
$2 per bag of children's books
$0.25 per CD
$2 per DVD
$3 per Blu-Ray
Plus lots of great deals on toys, gadgets, and more.

Farm to Table with Sassy Cow Creamery

When (Date)
Community Room

Registration: Register!

Presented by Sassy Cow Creamery 

Sassy Cow Creamery, located nine miles east of the library,  is coming to visit! Have you ever wondered how milk makes it way from the cows on the farm to your house? Montana from Sassy Cow Creamery joins us to talk about the various dairy products a local farmstead can produce and how they are made. There will be samples to try! Please sign up to reserve your spot.  

Traveling Story Walk

When (Date)
See Event Description

Our Traveling Story Walk is back! A list of the parks it will be at is below. The book this summer is Ocean! Waves for All by Stacy McAnulty. 

  • June 20 - July 2: Sunfish Pond
  • July 4-16: Dahl Park
  • July 18-30: Liberty Land Park
  • August 1-14: Western Green Park

20th Annual Harry Potter Birthday Party

When (Date)
Library Grounds

Start planning your costumes and honing your quidditch skills for our 20th annual Harry Potter Birthday party! Join us outdoors for science experiments, tea leaf reading, quidditch games, magical crafts, tasty treats, a book sale, and much more at stations around the Library. Rain date July 31. 

Yahara River Chorus

When (Date)
Community Room

The Yahara River Chorus is a local chapter of Sweet Adelines International and they have competed at all levels of competition. 

They earned the right to compete at the highest level in 2013 in Honolulu, Hawaii, taking "4th Place Small Chorus in the World", and obviously, they all are very proud of that accomplishment. 

Their Director, Jennifer Johnson, and her Mom and Grandma, Linda Johnson and Harriet Steventon, were all DeForest residents.  Linda started the chorus back in 1984 and they will be celebrating their 40th anniversary in 2024.

Bobby Way Duo - Concert on Market Street

When (Date)
Market Street

Master entertainer, Bobby Way, will close out the 2022 summer concert series on July 26 with a rollicking good time. Based in Milwaukee, he promises to dish up a tasteful blend of music, entertainment and comedy.

Bobby accompanies himself on guitar, trumpet and sax aided by state of the art computer driven keyboards to give you a "full band" experience.  He provides an infectious, crowd-pleasing feast of entertainment that will have you asking for more.