All Ages

The Workshop @ Home

When (Date)

We've missed seeing everyone explore and create in The Workshop, so we're going to work on bringing the spirit of The Workshop to you on our Facebook page. We will share a Workshop-style project or tips each Thursday at 9 am.

Drive-By Parade!

When (Date)
Library Street

Help us kick off our Summer Reading Program: Imagine Your Story!

Decorate your car! Show us your favorite book! The Library Staff and our Read-to-an-Officer friends from the DeForest Police Department will be curbside on Library Street saying hello to you!

Steaming Into the Weekend

When (Date)

We've missed seeing everyone explore and create in The Workshop, so we're going to work on bringing the spirit of The Workshop to you on our Facebook page. We will post a fun STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Math) activity each Friday at 9 am, just in time for the weekend.

The Magic of Monarchs: Part 2

When (Date)

Join us on our Library Facebook page for a fun learning experience through a special series of short videos.

Author Bev Davis will read the second half of her new book, Winging It: A Monarch Love Story.

All you need is some newspaper! Louise Valdovinos will show you how to fold newspaper to make seedling pots.

Be a monarch reporter. Lois Lehmann will tell us how we can report what we see -- milkweed plants growing and monarch activity.

The Magic of Monarchs: Part 1

When (Date)

Join us on our Library Facebook page for a fun learning experience through a special series of short videos.

Author Bev Davis will read from her new book, Winging It: A Monarch Love Story.

Meet Lois Lehmann, our local monarch lady, and learn about why monarch butterflies are so important to our world.

Join Lois Lehmann on her deck, as she shows us how she grows milkweed plants for monarchs caterpillars to munch.

Part 2 will be Thursday, May 14.

Build the Library at Your Place

When (Date)

Missing the library? How about building your own for National Library Week?

Look around your house. What kinds of building materials do you see? Boxes, tape, clay, craft dough, plastic building bricks, popsicle sticks? Build your own library or your favorite part of the library using whatever you have handy.

Community Read Continues!

When (Date)

During Spring Break, we started reading a chapter or two of Kenneth Grahame's The Wind in the WIllows every day, but we didn't finish it. We didn't want to leave you hanging, so we're continuing to post a chapter a day until we reach the end.

Community Read

When (Date)
Facebook Live

During Spring Break, we will be reading a chapter or two of a classic book live every day starting this coming Monday. We will be using Project Gutenberg to get the book, so if you'd like to read along you can find the book on