Free Form Painting
Relax and paint a small canvas with others of all skill levels.
Relax and paint a small canvas with others of all skill levels.
Learn to draw your own beautiful mandalas from scratch.
Unfortunately, this program is cancelled today. Please watch for it to be rescheduled or contact the library to set up a demonstration.
Whether you are participating in the LEGO® building competition or not, join us early Saturday mornings to get some LEGO® building time in. To get all of your building time in for the competition come in any Saturday morning in January, Open Labs throughout the month, or other Workshop LEGO® programs to work on your LEGO® masterpiece for the Batty Build.
LEGO® is a trademark of the LEGO Group of companies which does not sponsor, authorize or endorse this site.
Build a mini gingerbread style house out of graham crackers, candies and other parts for a fun holiday decoration.
Build a mini gingerbread style house out of graham crackers, candies and other parts for a fun holiday decoration.
Bring your video game skills into the physical world and try your hand at flying our quadcopter drone
Relax and paint a small picture on canvas boards with others of all skill levels.