Teens & Adults

Free Form Painting

When (Date)
The Workshop

Relax and paint a small picture on canvas boards with others of all skill levels.

3D Printing Design

When (Date)
The Workshop

Learn about 3D printing and watch our printer in action. Patrons may also try their hand at designing a small 3D print they will get to keep.

Explore The Workshop

When (Date)
The Workshop

Come in and explore The Workshop in this evening Open Lab. Play a game, design a 3D-print, or just get a tour of our exciting MakerLab.

QiGong Classes

When (Date)
Community Room

Qigong is a moving meditation that is simple, easy to learn, and can be done by everyone, at any age and fitness level.

Just mirror the movements of the instructor and reduce tension, improve breathing, and increase flexibility.

Open to ages 16 & up. Participants need to sign a waiver at the start of their first class.

If you have a disability and require accommodation in order to fully participate, please contact library staff.

Engraver Pen

When (Date)
The Workshop

Take a turn with our engraving pen to write or draw into a metal plate that you can take home with you. 

LEGO® Mindstorms EV3

When (Date)
The Workshop

Build one of several robots with these advanced LEGO® Kits. Combine motors, LEGO® bricks, and a small computer to create a real working machine. Children under 13 should be accompanied by an adult.

LEGO® is a trademark of the LEGO Group of companies which does not sponsor, authorize or endorse this site.

Poly Clay Sculpting

When (Date)
The Workshop

Polymer Clay is a plastic material that can be sculpted into a variety of creations like jewelry, figurines, or anything else your imagination can whip up then it is hardened in a normal oven

3D Printing Demo

When (Date)
The Workshop

Learn about 3D printing and watch our printer in action. Patrons may also try their hand at designing a small 3D print they will get to keep.