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Vivian Probst is a novelist, writer of several memoirs, linguist, and champion of language skills. She will discuss this and the new book from her five-book series, The Woman Who Forgot Who She Was.
Vivian has written a mystery series that is based on her own life. Book Two in the series, Waking From Her Weariness, is now available.
In Book One, Probst focuses on a brilliantly successful bank president who can manage other peoples’ finances but not her own. Deeply in debt, Avery Victoria Spencer faces public humiliation if her secret is discovered.
Book Two finds Avery Victoria Spencer returned from her first inner journey in glorious triumph. Her despair has vanished—her incredible debts are magically resolved. Avery is beginning to see herself in a new light, but something is wrong.
Join us to learn how Probst mined stories from her own life to create this alluring series.