DeForest Area Public Library Regular Library Board Minutes
Thursday, July 6, 2017 at 6:00 p.m.
- Call to Order and Roll Call
- President Van Iten called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm.
- Present: Lawrence, Van Iten, Lowery, Englesby, Gorres
- Absent: Runez.
- Also present: Library Director Berg, Assistant Library Director Newbegin
- Approval of Agenda
- Motion to approve as presented: Englesby
- Second: Lawrence
- Discussion: None.
- Action: All approved.
- Approval of Regular Meeting Minutes of June 1st Regular & Annual Meeting Minutes.
- Motion to approve as presented: Corrected copy was handed out and the motion was to approve the minutes as corrected by Englesby.
- Second: Lawrence
- Discussion : None.
- Action: All approved.
- Public Presentations / Communications
- None.
- Lawrence arrived at 6:06 p.m.
- Approval of Bills
- Motion to Approve the Bills: Gorres
- Second: Lowery
- Discussion: There was a question about the smart tv purchased for the Studio. Berg explained this tv can connect to wi-fi and has a YouTube app which allows us to run demonstration videos for certain craft projects.
- Action : All approved.
- Reports
- Director's - Berg answered a question about her report that mentioned an “active threat” assessment for the library. She also talked about the opportunity to partner with Demco using their new software, DiscoverLocal which uses geotagging to bring library holdings and events into Google search responses.
- President's - President Van Iten is not going to be able to make the August 3rd meeting and wondered if Vice President Englesby was going to be there to chair the meeting or if the board wished to change the meeting date. After some discussion the consensus was to leave the meeting on the August 3rd date.
- Village Update - Lowery reported that the village has hired a company to survey citizens about various topics. This company, Poco, uses social media as well to reach citizens. Ladder truck for the fire department is being considered. Fireman’s Park has been rebid. TID 8 is being considered. Work on Main Street will start soon and River Road will be a future project.
- Old Business
- Update on fundraising for Challenge Grant.
- There was nothing to report.
- Discussion and possible approval of Long Range Plan 2015-2020 Success Indicators for Goal 2.
- After discussion and clarification, Lowery moved approval. Gorres seconded. All approved.
- Update on fundraising for Challenge Grant.
- New Business
- Goal 3 proposed success indicators.
- Berg walked through the document with the board. Numbers 2 and 5 will need the board to look at the general policies and possibly revisit the room use form. The indicators for some of these items will be whether or not they were done. An eighth item was added to “make access easy for all patrons”; suggested measure could include ADA compliance and staff sensitivity training. Berg will make these changes and edits and Goal 3 will come back for approval at the next meeting.
- 2018 Budget.
- Preliminary reimbursement numbers from Dane County Library Service have come out as have preliminary costs for the ILS and technology from South Central Library System.
- Goal 3 proposed success indicators.
- Future Agenda Items
- Long Range Plan 2015-2020 – Goal 3 indicators for approval and Goal 4 for discussion.
- 2018 Budget.
- Adjournment
- Motion to Adjourn: Englesby
- Second: Gorres
- Action: All approved.
Meeting was adjourned at 7:03p.m.