Checked Out Crew

Rosenberry Lounge
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Book Club for 9th - 12th Grade

Whether in intermediate, middle, or high school, if you enjoy reading, there is a book club for you at the library!

  • Page Turners: 4th - 6th grade - 1st Tuesdays of the month
  • Flashlight Readers: 7th - 8th grade - 2nd Tuesday of the month
  • Checked Out Crew: 9th - 12th grade - 3rd Tuesday of the month

Each month, there will be discussions based on the book, a craft, a game, and possibly more. However, you're welcome to talk about any book that you've read in the last month.

There is no registration required for this program. Please contact Raechel, Teen Services Librarian, at raechs [at] if you have any questions.

Book selections may change.

Event Audience
March 18


Kate J. Armstrong

April 15

Enter the Body

Joy McCullough

May 20


Axie Oh