DeForest Area Public Library Regular Library Board Minutes
Thursday, February 5, 2015 at 6:00 p.m.
- Call to Order and Roll Call
- President Van Iten called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm.
- Present : Borden, Englesby, Lawrence, Van Iten.
- Absent : Blount, Gorres, Ziegler.
- Also present : Berg, Newbegin.
- Approval of Agenda
- Motion to Approve as presented : Englesby
- Second : Borden.
- Action : Approved.
- Approval of Regular Meeting Minutes of January 8, 2015.
- Motion to Approve as presented : Lawrence
- Second : Borden.
- Discussion : None
- Action : Approved.
- Public Presentations / Communications
- Amy Overby of the Madison Community Foundation as present to speak about the MCF, endowment campaigns, and challenge grants. Berg gave background information on the DeForest Library and past fundraising. There was discussion about having a permanent endowment and working with MCF.
- Approval of Bills
- Motion to Approve the Bills : Englesby
- Second : Borden
- Discussion : Berg noted some bills were from 2014.
- Action : Approved.
- Reports
- Director's - Berg reported she had been working on the year-end bills and the Annual Report. She discussed her ongoing collection weeding, Better Books, and budget numbers.
- President's - None.
- Village Update - None.
- Old Business
- Discussion of Endowment Campaign and possible selection of foundation for the fund. There was discussion on having an endowment campaign with MCF, and about challenge grants. Berg will get more details from MCF.
- Motion to pursue more information from MCF, to get a contract draft and bring the draft back and to place it on the agenda as an action item : Borden
- Second : Van Iten
- Action : Approved.
- Discussion of Endowment Campaign and possible selection of foundation for the fund. There was discussion on having an endowment campaign with MCF, and about challenge grants. Berg will get more details from MCF.
- New Business
- Discussion and possible approval of the annual report for the Division of Libraries and Technology.
- Motion to approve the annual report and authorize the Library Board President to sign the report after SCLS has approved the report : Englesby
- Second : Lawrence
- Discussion : Berg explained the Annual Report process and went over the draft. There was discussion about the question in the Report pertaining to the effectiveness of SCLS.
- Action : Approved.
- Discussion and possible approval of the annual report for the Division of Libraries and Technology.
- Future Agenda Items
- None.
- Adjournment
- Motion to Adjourn : Lawrence
- Second : Englesby
- Action : Approved.
Meeting was adjourned at 7:15 p.m.