All Ages

Friends Spring Book Sale

Lower Level

Full-Service Sale

  • Saturday, March 15
  • 9 am - 3 pm, Lower Level
  • Both book sale rooms will be open
  • This sale will be staffed by volunteers

Self-Service Sale

  • March 16 - 23
  • During Library hours, Lower Level
  • Pay with cash or check at the circulation desk

Save the Date:

Trinity Irish Dancers

Community Room

Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day with Irish dance and music! Trinity Irish Dancers of Madison will perform and share how dance is part of Ireland’s history.

If you have a disability and require accommodation in order to fully participate, please contact library staff.

Mini Painting: Painting 3D-Printed Miniatures

Children's Room

Each month we will have different featured items to paint with acrylic paint. Models are available while supplies last on a first-come, first-served basis.

Kids 12 and younger may attend with a responsible adult.

This program is free and open to all ages! 

We also have washable markers and a paper and/or wooden option available at all of our Mini Paintings for those who do not want to paint. This option will most likely not follow the month's theme.

Board Games

Children's Room

Each month we will feature different board games, as well as have other games for kids & families and teens & adults!

Feel free to bring a game to teach and play!

Games you bring to teach and play do not have to fit the theme of the month.

Some games we have at most game days include Astro Trash, Life, Connect Four, matching games, Chess, Uno, Dominos, Fluxx, Hi Ho! Cherry-O, and more!

Sounds of the Season with Lakeside Brass

When (Date)

Enjoy festive music performed by a professional brass quintet while browsing the stacks and sampling cocoa and cookies.

Formed in early 2022, Lakeside Brass is a professional brass quintet consisting of graduates from the UW Madison School of Music. They are very active providing music for worship, social gatherings, private parties, and various other events, and they perform classical, jazz, popular tunes, and everything in between.

This event is generously sponsored by the Friends of the DeForest Area Public Library.