
Caregiving: What You Wish You Knew

Community Room

Join Natalie in a discussion about the caregiving journey (Beginning, middle, end). Ask about your specific situation or a loved one you are worried about. Natalie will highlight common questions she sees as a social worker in the community. Together we will learn from experienced caregivers and new caregivers.

Presented By: Natalie Raemisch – DeForest Area Community & Senior Center

SPARK: Robin Williams and his Battle with Lewy-Body Dementia

Community Room

Join us in a special viewing of the film SPARK. This film tells the story of Robin and his wife Susan’s agonizing journey of trying to get a diagnosis and cope with symptoms that created significant anguish, fear, grief, and confusion. An introduction will be provided by Julia Wood of the Lewy Body Association with a facilitated discussion following the film.

Presented By: Ellen Taylor, ADRC of Dane County

Brain Health & Aging

Community Room

Have you ever walked into a room and forgot why you are there? Join us to find out what happens to our brains as we get older and learn more about ways to keep our brains healthy.

Presented By: Ellen Taylor, ADRC of Dane County

This program is part of The Aging Brain: A Learning Series. An informational series hosted by DeForest Area Public Library and The DeForest-Windsor Dementia Friendly Communities. More programs include:

Seed Starting

Community Room

Starting garden plants from seed can be a rewarding activity. Maybe you’ve it tried a time or two and for you it was a frustrating activity. In this talk you will hear from a certified Master Gardener Volunteer from Dane Co. Extension who will give you a solid foundation for growing your own garden plants from seeds.

Spring Forest Qigong

Community Room

A waiver will need to be signed at the first session.

"There are many different forms of qigong being taught in the world, all based with ancient traditions and teachers, all with the goal of reducing stress and helping us live healthier lives.

Spring Forest Qigong was created by Master Chunyi Lin whose purpose is "A healer in every home and a world without pain and suffering." 

4th Tuesday Forum: Mrs. Mary S. Logan "Out of the Shadow"

DeForest Area Community & Senior Center

A devoted soldier’s wife, Mary Logan would be an eyewitness to one of the greatest conflagrations of American history, the Civil War.

Mrs. Logan was understandably proud of her husband’s accomplishments, but she emerged from his shadow to become a prominent power in Washington.

Meet Mrs. Mary S. Logan, wife of General and Senator John A. Logan, as she reminisces how she met and married the Illinois native. She would be the sometimes not-so-silent partner as he ascended the political ladder.

Selecting New Pieces, Caring For, and Repurposing Your Jewelry

Community Room

Meet Art Fish, owner of Prairie Jewelers, a long-established jewelry store of over 100 years. How do you make smart choices when selecting a gift of jewelry for someone special? People have been asking that question probably as long as there have been jewelry stores. Art will explain this, and also include tips for ‘repurposing” jewelry you’ve inherited or no longer wear, as well as trends in color and designs. 

His talk also includes a discussion about Amethyst, the birthstone for this month, and the history, trends, and stories behind it.